
Stay out of water for 30s.

Then princess comes to kiss you. You don't want to be soaking...


- Moving with the arrow keys will make you jump to the adjacent leaves

- The leaves get under water and up at random, butsome animations warn you of this

- Don't jump into water


Even with questionable graphics, I spent much too time on drawing (the princes...), and could not add a few more features, like bonuses or increasing difficulty.

Happy to have finished within 3 hours (I usually finish in 4 or 5 hours) however !


- Godot 4, Aseprite

- Sounds from https://freesound.org/

- Inspiration: Perestroika 

Published 11 days ago
Made withGodot


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Fun game, sry I'm late for the rating! I struggled a lot lol!, very engaging! It seems you have to

1. Pay attention to the bubbles

2. try to stay in the center 4 squares (more possible openings)

3. Go for squares that are surrounded by water (higher chance that an adjacent square will spawn)

That's a nice one, the random part could be less random cause when I am somewhere in the middle and I cannot jump anywhere it i just annoying, randomness yeee

Still good job, I like the idea and it is pretty nice

Would've rated but guess who's late to the party ...
Welp gj :3
You can check mine if you want

Personally, I never manage to meet deadlines! But it's not for lack of trying! So congratulations on getting there :)

It took me a good fifteen tries before I managed to be dry for the kiss. I think the difficulty is pretty good. Well done!

It took me 3 tries to win before I got a feel for the animation and timing, but I succeeded and got to be kissed by this lovely princess <3

The care put into the sound and animations make it feel good to play.

Extra impressive for doing this in 3 hours! Someday I'm going to make that deadline.